
Girl Crush // Grimes

Lige pt er helt optaget af Grimes, eller også kendt som Claire Boucher. 
Claire er en Canadisk synth-pop kunster som har lavet tre albums på de sidste tre år. Hun startede i 2010 med albumet Geidi Primes og året efter udgav hun albumet Halfaxa. I 2012 udgav hun så hendes mest succesfulde album Visions. 
Jeg hørte først Oblivion og Genesis fra hendes seneste album Visions, jeg var soldt med det samme. Hendes sange mindede ikke om noget jeg havet hørt før og lyder helt originalt. Nogle af hendes sange har en meget mystisk og mørk tone, og på samme album kan man også finde nogle sange som man let kan danse og synge med på. Det er en vildt fed kontrast på albumet.
På samme tid så syndes jeg også at Grimes har en rigtig sej og anderledes stil, ligesom hendes musik kan hendes stil også være en kontrast. Grimes kan både se super godt ud i et casual punk outfit og i designer tøj fra top til tå. Selvfølelig kan jeg heller ikke lade være og tale om hendes hår, jeg er stor fan af farvet hår og har selv prøvet det, det grønne hår klæder hendes musik og stil virkeligt godt. Overvejer selv at farve mit hår grønt ;)
Jeg er helt vild med disse sange:
Symphonia (My Wait is U)
Be A Body 
Vowels = space and time
Visting Statue 

I am completely obessed with Grimes at the moment, also known as Claire Boucher.
Claire is a Canadian synth-pop artist, in the past three years she has made three albums. The first of the three albums being Geidi Primes in 2010, then Halfaxa in 2011 and lastly the most succesful album in 2012 Visions
The songs that I fell in love with first off the album Visions were Oblivion and Genesis, I was completely sold from the beginning. I think Grimes has a very unique and original sound. It feels new and refreshing to listen to. Some of the songs off the album have a very dark and mystic quality to them , while it also has some songs that you instantly want to dance to. It definitely has a cool contrast.
I am also a huge fan of what she wears, as it also reflects on this contrasting factor that is also found in her music. For example she can look really cool in a casual punky outfit one day and then rock wearing designer clothes the next day. Of course I also have to mention her hair. I seriously love dyed hair (as I have also dyed my hair quite frequently) It just makes her look more interesting and authentic, it really adds to her style. I am really considering dyeing my hair the same green colour as her. (Maybe also a fringe?)
These are my fav songs:
Symphonia (My Wait is U)
Be A Body 
Vowels = space and time
Visting Statue 

-Clara ☯

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