

Top, Weekday//Shorts, Hema//Socks, Flying Tiger//Boots, Doc Martens.


Considering that I look ghastly without makeup, I think this outfit is a cool punky relaxed outfit. Even-though the essence of what I am wearing is very boyish the tights and the lace shorts tone it down and make it look more feminine. My hair doesn't look like this anymore, but I just dyed Directions Midnight Blue over my already brown hair to get the rich emerald/forrest green colour (My hair looks like seaweed now though)

OOTD: I am a maiden for you

//Dress, Minkpink//Floral Crown, DIY//


I love that this floral dress is so spacious(its an XS, however has a very oversized look to it) and the mirrored effect gives it an interesting touch, its a innovative take on a print that is so classic.

OOTD: Phantom Legs and Blinking Pigs

//Sweater, Second Hand//Acid wash jeans, Cheap Monday//Dr.Martens boots//Necklace, H&M//


This sweater was an excellent find at a charity shop close to my summer house. It is so unique, probably hand-knitted which I have such respect for. When you throw it on, it instantly adds a quirky and colourful vibe. These are my only pair of skinny jeans I own, the rest I have thrown away as they never really fit me right. I am usually wearing leggings, skirts or tights instead. Its lovely to find a pair of jeans that really suit my figure, Cheap Monday are always great for that. Of course my favorite pair of shoes have to be paired with this outfit, I live by my Docs.


Hair Timeline

Jeg talte om at jeg har haft forskelige hårfarver i mit Grimes indlæg, her er en tidslinge af farverene jeg har prøvet i de to sidste år. 
1. Er min naturlige hårfarve
2. Er fra da jeg experminteret med forskelige farver dip-dye, jeg havet blandt andet lila, pink, og en kombination af de to.
3. Er fra da jeg farvede mit hår aubergine men det holdt ikke i lang tid...
4. Er resultatet af hvordan det aubergine farvet hår så ud efter en måned
5. Er fra da jeg havde farvet det en rigtig lila farve 
6. Det er efter 2 måneder med lila
7. Er fra da jeg afblelget det
8. Er fra her i sommers, hvor jeg havet blåt hår
9. Er et fjolet billede af hvordan det ser ud nu, som er en rødlig brun farve

I mentioned having my dyed many different colours in my Grimes post, here is a timeline of the colours I have experimented with in the last two years.
1. Is my natural hair colour
2. Is from when I tried different dip-dyes, I had purple, pink and then a combination of the two
3. Is when I dyed my hair aubergine, which didn't last very long 
4. Is the result of the aubergine after a month
5. I then finally decided to go for a proper purple colour
6. Is how the purple looked after two months
7. I then bleached my hair
8. This is the colour, I had this summer. A bright blue
9. Is a silly picture of what my hair looks like at the moment, a reddish brown

-Clara ☯

Polyvore: Dark Fall ☯

Dark Fall

Monki crew sweatshirt, $47 / Monki black t shirt, $14 / Monki striped shirt, $47 / Glamorous flat front pants, $24 / Dr. Martens ankle booties, $135 / Dr. Martens shoes, $145 / JuJu sandals

Hej, jeg tænkte at jeg lige ville lave et hurtigt Polyvore post, ikke bare fordi at det er inspirerende og sjovt men også fordi at jeg virkelig er 'in love' med Monki's toppe her til efteråret. Jeg har været fan og meget trofast til Monki lige siden de åbnede deres butik i Lyngby Storcenter. Det må snart være fem år nu (som tiden går). Pointen er at jeg synes at her på det sidste har kollektionerne ikke helt været til min smag, men så fandt jeg disse skønheder! 
Jeg har Navy Disco Pants fra American Apparel også skoene. Outfit nr.2 er lidt atypisk med hensyn til sko valget men jeg synes at det giver et sjovt touch. Det andre outfits er lidt punk og grunge agtig som er den stil jeg hælder mig til lige inde for tiden.

Hello, I thought I would do a quick Polyvore post, to showcase these tops from Monki and how I would style them. 
I have doubted some of the previous Monki collections however I really think they have caught my eye again with their blouses, t-shirts and sweaters. I have loved to see Monki flourish for the last 5 years and I still a loyal customer of theirs. I have the Navy Disco Pants from American Apparel and the shoes as well. I think the choice of shoes in outfit number two is quite unexpected and quirky  which is what I love to do once in a while. The other outfits are quite punk and grunge based which is what I have been really into at the moment.

-Clara ☯


Girl Crush // Grimes

Lige pt er helt optaget af Grimes, eller også kendt som Claire Boucher. 
Claire er en Canadisk synth-pop kunster som har lavet tre albums på de sidste tre år. Hun startede i 2010 med albumet Geidi Primes og året efter udgav hun albumet Halfaxa. I 2012 udgav hun så hendes mest succesfulde album Visions. 
Jeg hørte først Oblivion og Genesis fra hendes seneste album Visions, jeg var soldt med det samme. Hendes sange mindede ikke om noget jeg havet hørt før og lyder helt originalt. Nogle af hendes sange har en meget mystisk og mørk tone, og på samme album kan man også finde nogle sange som man let kan danse og synge med på. Det er en vildt fed kontrast på albumet.
På samme tid så syndes jeg også at Grimes har en rigtig sej og anderledes stil, ligesom hendes musik kan hendes stil også være en kontrast. Grimes kan både se super godt ud i et casual punk outfit og i designer tøj fra top til tå. Selvfølelig kan jeg heller ikke lade være og tale om hendes hår, jeg er stor fan af farvet hår og har selv prøvet det, det grønne hår klæder hendes musik og stil virkeligt godt. Overvejer selv at farve mit hår grønt ;)
Jeg er helt vild med disse sange:
Symphonia (My Wait is U)
Be A Body 
Vowels = space and time
Visting Statue 

I am completely obessed with Grimes at the moment, also known as Claire Boucher.
Claire is a Canadian synth-pop artist, in the past three years she has made three albums. The first of the three albums being Geidi Primes in 2010, then Halfaxa in 2011 and lastly the most succesful album in 2012 Visions
The songs that I fell in love with first off the album Visions were Oblivion and Genesis, I was completely sold from the beginning. I think Grimes has a very unique and original sound. It feels new and refreshing to listen to. Some of the songs off the album have a very dark and mystic quality to them , while it also has some songs that you instantly want to dance to. It definitely has a cool contrast.
I am also a huge fan of what she wears, as it also reflects on this contrasting factor that is also found in her music. For example she can look really cool in a casual punky outfit one day and then rock wearing designer clothes the next day. Of course I also have to mention her hair. I seriously love dyed hair (as I have also dyed my hair quite frequently) It just makes her look more interesting and authentic, it really adds to her style. I am really considering dyeing my hair the same green colour as her. (Maybe also a fringe?)
These are my fav songs:
Symphonia (My Wait is U)
Be A Body 
Vowels = space and time
Visting Statue 

-Clara ☯